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[其他] 對抗單車賊 「臭鼬鎖」的逆襲

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對抗單車賊 「臭鼬鎖」的逆襲 SKUNKLOCK: The Bike Lock That Fights Back
SKUNKLOCK: The Bike Lock That Fights Back
#克漏字 #休閒旅遊 #運動競技 #經濟·商業 #安全·醫療
12/16 解析英語
作者 Angus Bain
閱讀時間 8分鐘
聽講解 聽朗讀


對抗單車賊 「臭鼬鎖」的逆襲 SKUNKLOCK: The Bike Lock That Fights Back

 Despite advancements in bicycle security, millions of bicycles are stolen every year. A revolutionary bicycle lock, called SKUNKLOCK, takes a proactive approach to deterring thieves. __1__, SKUNKLOCK releases a noxious chemical that could cause would-be thieves to vomit and effectively discourages them from continuing their efforts to steal the bicycle.

  While conventional locks can be defeated by determined thieves using specialized tools, SKUNKLOCK’s dual approach of physical resistance and chemical deterrence is highly effective, making it a formidable __2__ against bike theft. The U-lock is made of high-tensile carbon steel, which can withstand attempts to break it using brute force. However, if a thief manages to break the lock, the pressurized chemical gas within is released, triggering an immediate and __3__ sensation of nausea, which may cause vomiting. This will reduce the likelihood of successful theft.

  Some might have concerns about the safety of its chemical deterrent, but there is no need to worry. The noxious substances are not lethal and will not cause the thieves permanent harm. In addition, the chemicals are securely sealed within a hollow space throughout the lock. They won’t be released __4__ someone tries to cut through the lock with an angle grinder.

  Another concern expressed by potential users of SKUNKLOCK is the fear that their bike will be left smelling like vomit after the chemical is released. The manufacturer, however, claims that there is an antidote that can __5__ the foul smell. This innovative approach to bike security makes SKUNKLOCK a promising solution for cyclists looking to protect their bikes from theft.

1.    (A) For the time being            (B) As its name suggests

       (C) On the other hand            (D) In its current state

2.    (A) opponent      (B) defendant     (C) applicant       (D) protest

3.    (A) exotic     (B) fabulous (C) overwhelming     (D) compulsory

4.    (A) right after      (B) even if    (C) lest  (D) unless

5.    (A) motivate (B) eliminate       (C) stimulate       (D) accommodate

↓  完整文章版本(無挖空)
 Despite advancements in bicycle security, millions of bicycles are stolen every year. A revolutionary bicycle lock, called SKUNKLOCK, takes a proactive approach to deterring thieves. As its name suggests, SKUNKLOCK releases a noxious chemical that could cause would-be thieves to vomit and effectively discourages them from continuing their efforts to steal the bicycle.

  While conventional locks can be defeated by determined thieves using specialized tools, SKUNKLOCK’s dual approach of physical resistance and chemical deterrence is highly effective, making it a formidable opponent against bike theft. The U-lock is made of high-tensile carbon steel, which can withstand attempts to break it using brute force. However, if a thief manages to break the lock, the pressurized chemical gas within is released, triggering an immediate and overwhelming sensation of nausea, which may cause vomiting. This will reduce the likelihood of successful theft.

  Some might have concerns about the safety of its chemical deterrent, but there is no need to worry. The noxious substances are not lethal and will not cause the thieves permanent harm. In addition, the chemicals are securely sealed within a hollow space throughout the lock. They won’t be released unless someone tries to cut through the lock with an angle grinder.

  Another concern expressed by potential users of SKUNKLOCK is the fear that their bike will be left smelling like vomit after the chemical is released. The manufacturer, however, claims that there is an antidote that can eliminate the foul smell. This innovative approach to bike security makes SKUNKLOCK a promising solution for cyclists looking to protect their bikes from theft.

Words in Use

revolutionary [͵rɛvəˋluʃən͵ɛrɪ]

a. 革命性的;創新的
n. 革命家

deter [dɪˋtɝ]

vt. . 阻止

vomit [ˋvɑmət]

vi. & vt. 嘔吐
n. 嘔吐物(不可數)

conventional [kənˋvɛnʃən!]

a. 傳統的,慣例的

specialized [ˋspɛʃəl͵aɪzd]

a. 專門的

dual [ˋdjuəl]

a. . 雙重的

withstand [wɪðˋstænd]

vt. 抵抗

sensation [sɛnˋseʃən]

n. 感覺, 知覺;轟動(的事情)

likelihood [ˋlaɪklɪ͵hʊd]

n. 可能性

permanent [ˋpɝmənənt]

a. 永恆的;常設的

foul [faʊl]

vt. 弄髒
vt. & vi. & n. 犯規
adv. 違反規則地
adj. 骯髒的;惡劣的

promising [ˋprɑmɪsɪŋ]

n. & vi. 衝突
vt. & vi. (使)碰撞作響 & n. 碰撞聲
a. 有為的,有前途的

discourage [dɪsˋkɝɪdʒ]

.vt. 使打消念頭,使氣餒
Extra Words

proactive [proˋæktɪv]

adj. 積極主動的

noxious [ˋnɑkʃəs]
a. 有毒的,有害的

deterrence [dɪˋtɝrəns]
n. 威懾

formidable [ˋfɔrmɪdəb!]

a. . 可怕的,難對付的

high-tensile [ˌhīˈtensəl]
a. 高張力的

brute [brut]
a. 蠻力的

pressurized [ˋprɛʃəraɪzd]
a. 加壓的,增壓的

nausea [ˋnɔʃɪə]
n. 噁心,作嘔

lethal [ˋliθəl]

a. . 致命的

antidote [ˋæntɪ͵dot]
n. 對抗手段,矯正方法

brute force 蠻力

an angle grinder 角磨機(可用於研削、磨斷或拋光)
Practical Phrases

takes a(n) + Adj. + approach to N/V-ing 採用⋯⋯的方法來⋯⋯

discourage sb from + V-ing 打消某人做……的念頭
Carl tried to discourage his daughter from dating boys.

look to 打算/想要(做)⋯⋯
Nick is looking to invest in real estate.

Tips & Analysis

1.    As its name suggests, SKUNKLOCK releases a noxious chemical that could cause would-be thieves to vomit and effectively discourages them from continuing their efforts to steal the bicycle.


空格前一句介紹了新型的鎖具臭鼬鎖,而本句提到這種鎖可以釋放有毒的化學物質並使小偷嘔吐,進而阻擋他們進續行竊,這與其名中的臭鼬防禦方式相似,可知答案應選 (B),以「顧名思義」帶出臭鼬鎖的名稱和其運作方式之間的關聯。

2.    While conventional locks can be defeated by determined thieves using specialized tools, SKUNKLOCK’s dual approach of physical resistance and chemical deterrence is highly effective, making it a formidable opponent against bike theft.


本句前半部提到傳統鎖具可以被使用專業工具的小偷破壞,但臭鼬鎖物理抵擋及化學威攝的雙重措施相當有效,而空格後的 against 有與某人對抗之意,故知 (A) 項應為正選,表臭鼬鎖是對抗單車竊盜時令人畏懼的「對手」。

3.    However, if a thief manages to break the lock, the pressurized chemical gas within is released, triggering an immediate and overwhelming sensation of nausea, which may cause vomiting.


本句描述若小偷成功破壞鎖具,內部的加壓化學氣體就會被釋放,引起立即的噁心感,並可能造成嘔吐,可知這種噁心感應是「令人承受不住的」,才可能造成嘔吐,故 (C) 項應為正選。

4.    They won’t be released unless someone tries to cut through the lock with an angle grinder.


=空格前一句提到臭鼬鎖內的化學物質被安全密封在鎖具中空的空間內,而本句提及鎖內的化學物質不會被釋放,但此化學物質為其阻擋小偷的特點,故此句應是表在某種情況下,即「除非」有人拿角磨機切斷鎖具,否則這種化學物質不會釋放,故 (D) 項應為正選。

5.    The manufacturer, however, claims that there is an antidote that can eliminate the foul smell.


空格前一句提及使用者擔心單車殘留嘔吐物的味道,本句接續說明製造商表示有除臭劑,而除臭劑正是用來「消除」惡臭的,故 (B) 項應為正選。

More to Learn

thief   n. 小偷,竊賊

•   Be careful. There are many thieves in the Paris metro.


theft  n. 竊盜,偷竊

•   Identity theft is a growing concern in the digital age.



a.    thief  泛指偷竊的人。

b.    burglar 主要指入室盜竊的人。

•   The burglar broke into the house through the back window.


c.    pickpocket  指在公共場所竊取口袋或包包中物品的人。

•   Andy realized too late that a pickpocket had taken his phone from his bag.


d.    shoplifter  指在商店內偷竊的人。

•   Shoplifters often target small items that are easy to slip into pockets or bags.


e.    robber 通常指搶劫銀行或商店的人。

•   The robber was identified through the surveillance footage and later arrested.


e.    mugger 指在街頭或公共場所用威脅或暴力搶奪財物的人。

•   The mugger approached the lady and demanded her wallet.


中文翻譯(& 答案)

  儘管鞏固單車安全的方式有許多進展,每年還是有幾百萬輛單車失竊。有一種可以主動阻撓小偷的革命性單車鎖 ── 臭鼬鎖。顧名思義,臭鼬鎖會釋放出一種有毒化學物質,可以讓欲偷車的小偷嘔吐,並勸退他們繼續嘗試偷竊單車。

  傳統鎖具可以被使用專業工具的頑強單車賊破壞,而臭鼬鎖物理抵擋和化學威懾的雙重措施相當有效,使其成為對抗單車竊盜時令人畏懼的對手。這個 U 形鎖是由高張力碳鋼所製成,可以承受企圖使用蠻力的破壞方式。然而,如果有小偷成功破壞鎖具,裡頭的加壓化學氣體就會被釋放,引起立即和難以承受的噁心不適,可能會使人嘔吐。這將會降低偷竊成功的可能性。



答案:   1.    B    2.    A    3.    C    4.    D    5.    B


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