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[其他] 「髓」緣之情 延續生命

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「髓」緣之情 延續生命 Bone Marrow Transplants Save Lives
Bone Marrow Transplants Save Lives
#閱讀測驗 #數位·科技·科學 #健康 #安全·醫療
9/13 解析英語
作者 Duncan DeAeth
閱讀時間 8分鐘
聽講解 聽朗讀


「髓」緣之情 延續生命 Bone Marrow Transplants Save Lives

目錄 / More to Learn / Grammar Tips / 中文翻譯(& 答案)
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  Many patients with certain types of cancers suffer from damage to their blood cells due to the cancer itself or treatments like chemotherapy. To help rebuild healthy blood cells, patients often receive bone marrow transplants by using either pluripotent or hematopoietic stem cells.

  A bone marrow or stem cell transplant can speed up recovery and boost healthy blood cell production. There are primarily two types of bone marrow transplants: autologous and allogeneic. The former involves using the patient’s own stem cells, while the latter uses stem cells from a matching donor, usually a relative with a compatible human leukocyte antigen (HLA) type. If someone doesn’t have a close relative with a matching type, there are registries for doctors to seek suitable donors.

  Nearly anyone can sign up to become a donor. If a person is matched as a suitable donor after joining a registry, they will undergo a minimally invasive procedure to collect their stem cells mainly through either of the following methods.

Bone marrow harvest

Peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) collection

Doctors use a needle to extract stem cells from liquid bone marrow, often from the hip bone but sometimes from other locations like the chest bone.        This is now a widely used method. It involves stimulating the body to release stem cells into the bloodstream through medications. The stem cells are then collected using a machine similar to that used in blood donation.
  While some donors might experience discomfort or fatigue after the procedure, most people can regenerate the harvested bone marrow within a month. For the donor, the process is relatively simple. For the recipient, a bone marrow transplant can be life-saving.

  If you would like to help people in need of a stem cell transplant, consider joining a registry like the Buddhist Tzu Chi Stem Cells Center. The group is available for consultations and holds seminars on developments in bone marrow transplant procedures.

1.    What is the primary purpose of bone marrow transplants?

(A)  To enhance the growth of healthy blood cells.

(B)  To prevent the side effects of chemotherapy.

(C)  To detect the early signs of certain cancers.

(D)  To help combat cancer cells.

2.    What distinguishes an autologous bone marrow transplant from an allogeneic transplant?

(A)  The method of transplantation.

(B)  The type of cancer treated.

(C)  The source of stem cells.

(D)  The age of the patient.

3.    Which of the following is true about harvesting stem cells?

(A)  Both methods require donors to take medicine before the donation.

(B)  The harvested stem cells will be replaced in about a month.

(C)  Usually only a close relative’s stem cells can be harvested.

(D)  The procedure is rather dangerous to the donor.

4.    According to the passage, what can recipients of bone marrow transplants expect?

(A)  Minor discomfort or fatigue.

(B)  Minimal impact on overall health.

(C)  Reduced risk of cancer recurrence.

(D)  Improved production of healthy blood cells.

Words in Use

recovery [rɪˋkʌvərɪ]

n. 找回;痊癒,復元

donor [ˋdonɚ]

n. 捐贈者

donation [doˋneʃən]

n. 捐贈, 捐贈物

compatible [kəmˋpætəb!]

a. (電腦) 相容的 ; 可共存的

registry [ˋrɛdʒɪstrɪ]

n. 登記名冊;登記處

undergo [͵ʌndɚˋgo]

vt. 經歷;接受(治療、訓練)

procedure [prəˋsidʒɚ]

n. 步驟,手續 (與介詞 for 並用)

harvest [ˋhɑrvɪst]

vt. & n. 收穫

extract [ɪkˋstrækt]

n. 萃取物
vt. 提煉;摘錄;獲取(情報、錢)

stimulate [ˋstɪmjə͵let]

vt. 刺激 ; 促進 ; 激勵

regenerate [rɪˋdʒɛnərɪt]
vt. 刷新;重建;再生
vi. 恢復;洗新革面;再生

recipient [rɪˋsɪpɪənt]

n. 受領者
a. 接受的

consultation [͵kɑnsəlˋteʃən]

n. 諮商 (會)
Extra Words

chemotherapy [͵kɛmoˋθɛrəpɪ]
n. 化療

minimally [ˋmɪnɪm!ɪ]
adv. 最低限度地

invasive [ɪnˋvesɪv]

a. 侵入的

bloodstream [ˋblʌd͵strim]
n. 血流

fatigue [fəˋtig]

vt. 使疲勞
n. 疲勞(不可數)

seminar [ˋsɛmə͵nɑr]

n. 研討會,講座
Practical Phrases

suffer from... 飽受(疾病)之苦,罹患(疾病)
My father suffers from diabetes.

speed up... / speed... up 加速
Speed up, or we’ll be late.

sign up for... 註冊……,報名……
I’m going to sign up for a course on English literature this semester.

I’m planning to sign up for that course this semester.

More to Learn

transplant  n.(器官)移植 &
                  vt. 移植(器官等)

transplantation  n. 移植(不可數)

•   Albert will die if he doesn’t have a heart transplant soon.


•   The doctors transplanted a liver into the patient.


字首 trans- 源自拉丁文,表「橫越,跨越」或「轉變,轉換」。在英文中以 trans- 開頭的字通常與「越過」或「改變」有關,以下是其他常見的單字:

a.    transport  n. 運輸 &

                       vt. 運送,運輸

•   Trains, planes, and trucks transport goods from place to place.


       transportation  n. 交通,運輸

•   Officials promised to improve public transportation in a year.


b.    transform   vt. 使轉變,使轉化

•   The four men transformed the little apartment into a mini palace.


       transformation   n. 轉變

•  Ken went through a major transformation during college.


c.    transfer   n. 轉移;調動 &

                       vt. & vi. 調任;轉學;轉乘

•   Rita has applied for a transfer to the marketing department.


d.    transmit   vt.  傳播(疾病);傳送(訊號)

•   According to the experts, the disease is transmitted through the air.


Grammar Tips

The former involves using the patient’s own stem cells, while the latter uses stem cells from a matching donor, ...

While some donors might experience discomfort or fatigue after the procedure, ...

介紹 while 作連接詞的三種重要用法:

※   表「(然)而」

此時 while 為對等連接詞,其所引導的主要子句通常置於另一主要子句之後,前方加逗點,即等於 but 或 whereas,但 whereas 引導的主要子句可置於另一個主要子句之前或之後(上列第一句即屬此用法)。

•   Ed adores rap music, while his wife can’t stand the sound of it.


※   表「雖然」

作此義時,while 為副詞連接詞,即等於 though 或 although,其所引導的副詞子句通常置於句首,之後加逗點,再接主要子句。(上列第二句即屬此用法)。

•   While many people sampled the chocolate, few of them bought any.


※   表「當……時」

while 作此義時為副詞連接詞,通常用來表示持續的動作或狀態,所引導的副詞子句可置於主要子句之前或之後,表「A 動作在進行時,B 動作亦在進行」。

•   The dancer suddenly passed out while she was waiting in the wings to go on stage.


在 while 引導的副詞子句中,若主詞與主要子句的主詞相同,此副詞子句的主詞可以刪除,之後的動詞就得改成現在分詞,但如果該動詞是 be 動詞,通常會省略。
•   Anna burned her hand while (she was) grilling the burger.



Paul keeps alert by chewing gum _____ his truck.

(A) while driven  (B) while drives

(C) while driving (D) while he driving


中文翻譯(& 答案)

「髓」緣之情 延續生命










1.    骨髓移植的主要目的為何?

(A)  促進健康血球的生長。

(B)  預防化療的副作用。

(C)  偵測某些癌症的早期徵兆。

(D)  協助對抗癌細胞。

2.    哪一點使自體骨髓移植和異體移植不同?

(A)  移植的方法。     (B)  所治療的癌症類型。

(C)  幹細胞的來源。 (D)  患者的年齡。

3.    下列關於收集幹細胞的敘述,何者正確?

(A)  兩種方法都需要捐贈者在捐贈前服用藥物。

(B)  被採集之幹細胞在約一個月裡就會再生。

(C)  通常只有近親的幹細胞能夠被採集。

(D)  手術對捐贈者來說相當危險。

4.    根據本文,骨髓移植的受贈者能預期什麼事?

(A)  輕微的不適或疲憊。

(B)  對整體健康極小的影響。

(C)  癌症復發的機率減少。

(D)  健康血球生長的改善。

答案:   1.    A    2.    C    3.    B    4.    D


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