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[其他] 「聞」機行事!臺灣首隻電子偵測犬登場

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「聞」機行事!臺灣首隻電子偵測犬登場 Meet Taiwan’s Very Own Electronic Storage Detection Dog
Meet Taiwan’s Very Own Electronic Storage Detection Dog
#動物 #臺灣 #心靈·療癒
8/1 生活英語
作者 Enjoy Editors
閱讀時間 4分鐘
聽講解 聽朗讀


「聞」機行事!臺灣首隻電子偵測犬登場 Meet Taiwan’s Very Own Electronic Storage Detection Dog

目錄 / Tips in Use 重點解析 / You Can Do This 英文試金石 / 中文翻譯
升高一銜接單元 |本集 精彩教學影片(講解老師:Stephen & Bernice 老師)

A new type of detection dog is helping out police in Taiwan.

  It is common to see dogs helping the police sniff out drugs and other illegal materials. In recent years, a new kind of detection dog has been introduced—electronic storage detection dogs. These dogs are trained to recognize the smell of electronic storage devices like smartphones, hard drives, or flash drives.

  In September 2023, Taiwan started using its first electronic storage detection dog to help the police find such devices. The dog was named Wafer as a nod to Taiwan’s semiconductor industry. He was donated to Taiwan by an American non-profit organization. Dogs like Wafer can help the police find information that may provide proof of criminal activities.

  Wafer is able to detect electronic storage devices by smelling a certain chemical used in most of them. His sense of smell is so strong that he can even sniff out a cellphone in a river. When Wafer is brought to a crime scene, he will begin searching for hidden smartphones or USB drives right away. Since his arrival in Taiwan, he has helped police officers find important evidence in three major criminal cases. With the aid of the electronic storage detection dog, the Taiwanese police can solve cases more quickly and effectively in the future.

Words in Use

detection [dɪˋtɛkʃən]

n. 偵測;察覺

detect [dɪˋtɛkt]

vt. 發現,查出

drug [drʌg]

vt. 下藥(以使昏迷)
n. 藥(物);毒品

recognize [ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz]

vt. 認出;承認,認可

proof [pruf]

a. 防……的(多用於『名詞 -proof』 的複合字)
n. 證明(集合名詞,不可數)

criminal [ˋkrɪmən!]

a. 犯法的(= illegal[ɪˋlig!]); 刑法方面的
n. 罪犯

a crime scene


chemical [ˋkɛmɪk!]

n. 化學(製)品(可數)
adj. 化學的

solve [sɑlv]

vt. 解決;解(題)
Extra Words

sniff [snɪf]

n. & vi. 大聲吸氣
n. & vt. & vi. 聞

illegal [ɪˋlig!]

adj. 不合法的

donate [ˋdonet]

vt. & vi. 捐獻 (金錢、物資等) ; 捐贈 (器官、血液等)

evidence [ˋɛvədəns]

n. 證據(集合名詞,不可數)
a. 證明

sniff out... / sniff... out 聞出⋯⋯
Practical Phrases

search for sth 尋找某事物
The police have been searching for the missing child for nearly two weeks.
警方尋找那名失蹤兒童已經將近 2 星期了。

Tips in Use 重點解析


本文最後一段第一句中的 “used in most of them” 為過去分詞片語,由關係代名詞 which 引導的形容詞子句化簡而成,修飾前面的名詞詞組 a certain chemical。



a. 刪除關係代名詞;

b. 之後的動詞改為現在分詞;

c. 若動詞為 be 動詞,變現在分詞 being 後可省略。

例 The man who lives next door to me is a teacher.

→ The man living next door to me is a teacher.


例 Emma has a bag (which was) made in Korea.



Wafer is able to detect... by smelling a certain chemical which is used in most of them.

根據上述,刪除關係代名詞 which,其後 be 動詞 is 變成現在分詞 being,being 省略後即成本句。

You Can Do This 英文試金石

❶ What idea about Wafer is talked about in the reading?

(A) How he uses his sense of smell to find people.

(B) How he helps the police find electronic devices.

(C) Why the Taiwanese police need his help to solve cases.

(D) Why the American organization donated him to Taiwan.

❷ Which is true about Wafer?

(A) He has not taken part in any cases yet.

(B) He can smell both drugs and electronic devices.

(C) He can’t find electronic devices that are in the water.

(D) He can smell a special chemical used in electronic devices.

❸ What does it mean when someone does something effectively?

(A) They complete it successfully.

(B) They put a lot of energy in it.

(C) They use some skills to do it.

(D) They finish it confidently.

答案: 1. B 2. D 3. A



狗狗幫助警察嗅出毒品和其他非法物品是很常見的。近年來,出現了一種新型偵測犬 ── 電子產品偵測犬。這些狗被訓練來識別智慧型手機、硬碟或隨身碟等電子儲存裝置的氣味。

  2023 年九月,臺灣開始使用第一隻電子產品偵測犬來幫助警方尋找這類裝置。這隻狗被命名為 Wafer 以向臺灣半導體產業致敬。牠是由一個美國非營利組織捐贈給臺灣的。像 Wafer 這樣的狗可以幫助警方找到或許能作為犯罪活動證據的資訊。

  Wafer 能透過聞出大多數電子儲存裝置中使用的某種化學物質來偵測它們。牠的嗅覺非常敏銳,甚至可以在河裡嗅出手機的味道。當 Wafer 被帶到犯罪現場時,牠會立即開始四處搜索隱藏的智慧型手機或隨身碟。自來臺以來,牠已協助警方在三起重大刑事案件中尋找重要證據。有了電子產品偵測犬的幫助,臺灣警方今後可以更快速、更有效地破案。


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