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左右撇子之謎:終於找到答案了!? Why Are There More Right-Handed People Than Left-Handed People?
Why Are There More Right-Handed People Than Left-Handed People?

8/12 解析英語
作者 Mark Darvill
閱讀時間 6分鐘
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左右撇子之謎:終於找到答案了!? Why Are There More Right-Handed People Than Left-Handed People?

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  It’s widely recognized that there are far more right-handed people than left-handed people in the world. Being right-handed simply means preferring to use one’s right hand for tasks that involve only one hand, such as writing and eating. But have you ever wondered about the possible reasons behind the global dominance of the right hand over the left?

  As with many complex biological questions, multiple factors appear to be at play. First, one reason seems to be genetics. __1__ Therefore, the global dominance of right-handedness is something that has been passed down through many generations of humans.

  Next, the answer may also be related to how the human brain works. __2__ Interestingly, the left and right hemispheres control movements on opposite sides of the body. In other words, the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body, and vice versa. Moreover, the left side of the brain is the side responsible for planning and fine motor skills. __3__

  Finally, cultural influence also plays a role in which hand people prefer. Historically, items that require physical manipulation have been designed for right-handed use. For example, tools like scissors and musical instruments are often constructed with right-handers in mind, making it difficult for left-handers to use them. __4__

  While these factors offer some explanation, they remain speculative. The precise reasons for the global prevalence of right-handed people continue to be debated. Nevertheless, left-handedness will remain a phenomenon of great curiosity among scientists and researchers for many years to come.

(A)  Specifically, different areas of the brain control different functions.

(B)  Thus, this side tends to be more active when the body is engaged in physical tasks.

(C)  Research has shown that the preference for one hand over the other can run in families.

(D)  Consequently, many people born naturally left-handed may have had to adapt by learning to use their right hand.

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  It’s widely recognized that there are far more right-handed people than left-handed people in the world. Being right-handed simply means preferring to use one’s right hand for tasks that involve only one hand, such as writing and eating. But have you ever wondered about the possible reasons behind the global dominance of the right hand over the left?

  As with many complex biological questions, multiple factors appear to be at play. First, one reason seems to be genetics. Research has shown that the preference for one hand over the other can run in families. Therefore, the global dominance of right-handedness is something that has been passed down through many generations of humans.

  Next, the answer may also be related to how the human brain works.Specifically, different areas of the brain control different functions. Interestingly, the left and right hemispheres control movements on opposite sides of the body. In other words, the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body, and vice versa. Moreover, the left side of the brain is the side responsible for planning and fine motor skills. Thus, this side tends to be more active when the body is engaged in physical tasks.

  Finally, cultural influence also plays a role in which hand people prefer. Historically, items that require physical manipulation have been designed for right-handed use. For example, tools like scissors and musical instruments are often constructed with right-handers in mind, making it difficult for left-handers to use them. Consequently, many people born naturally left-handed may have had to adapt by learning to use their right hand.

  While these factors offer some explanation, they remain speculative. The precise reasons for the global prevalence of right-handed people continue to be debated. Nevertheless, left-handedness will remain a phenomenon of great curiosity among scientists and researchers for many years to come.

Words in Use

dominance [ˋdɑmənəns]

n. 主導地位;優勢

biological [͵baɪəˋlɑdʒɪk!]

a. 生物 (學) 的

genetics [dʒəˋnɛtɪks]

n. 基因學 (不可數)

hemisphere [ˋhɛməs͵fɪr]

n. (地球)半球

manipulation [mə͵nɪpjʊˋleʃən]

n. 操縱;控制

speculative [ˋspɛkjə͵letɪv]

a. 推測的

prevalence [ˋprɛvələns]

n. 普及,流行
Extra Words

motor [ˋmotɚ]

n. 馬達
Practical Phrases

be at play 有影響,起作用
Climate change is a complex issue with multiple factors at play.

pass down.../pass...down 傳承⋯⋯
It's a family recipe passed down from my great-grandmother.

vice versa 反之亦然,反過來說(vice versa 之前通常須接 and 或 or 等連接詞,而不 可單獨使用。)
You can now access your home computer from work and vice versa.

play a role in 在⋯⋯發揮重要作用,在⋯⋯方面扮演重要角色
The parents played a role in the education of their children.

Tips & Analysis

1.    第一題空格應選 (C)


a.    本空格在測試對段落語意連貫性的掌握,空格前一句提到,大多數人是右撇子的第一個可能原因是與遺傳相關,後一句則提到全球主要是右撇子這件事是代代相傳的,可推測空格應進一步說明遺傳與慣用手之間的關係,且應該跟「傳承」有關。

b.    選項 (C) 表示,研究顯示,偏好用某一隻手勝過另一隻手可能是家族遺傳,語意連貫,且選項中提到家族遺傳,與前一句的遺傳和後一句的代代相傳互相呼應,可知答案應選 (C)。

2.    第二題空格應選 (A)


a.    本空格在測試對段落語意連貫性的掌握,空格前一句提到右撇子居多的另一個答案可能與人類大腦的運作方式有關,而後一句提到左右腦各別控制身體的對側,可推測空格應是說明大腦的運作方式。

b.    選項 (A) 表示,具體來說,大腦不同的區域控制不同功能,語意連貫,說明了大腦的運作方式是不同區域控制不同功能,後一句則進一步說明左右腦控制的身體部分,故答案應選 (A)。

3.    第三題空格應選 (B)


a.    本空格在測試對段落語意發展的掌握,空格前一句提到左腦主要負責規劃和精細動作技能,可推測空格應進一步說明此事實與身體有何關聯。

b.    選項 (B) 表示,因此,這半邊的大腦在身體從事肢體活動時往往會比較活躍,語意連貫,選項中的 this side(這半邊)指的即是前一句提到的左腦,且前一句中的 fine motor skills(精細的動作技能)與選項中的 physical activities(肢體活動)互相呼應,可知答案應選 (B)。

4.    第四題空格應選 (D)


a.    本空格在測試對段落語意結論句的掌握,本段旨在說明文化影響如何造成大多數人皆是右撇子的現象,且空格前一句提到工具多是考慮到右撇子來進行設計,可推測空格應與這種文化如何造就右撇子成為多數有關。

b.    選項 (D) 表示,因此,許多天生就是左撇子的人可能就必須透過學習使用右手來適應,語意連貫,且選項中所提到的適應,即是適應為了右撇子來進行設計的工具,故答案應選 (D)。

More to Learn

phenomenon  n. 現象(單數形)

•   Lightning is an electrical phenomenon.


以下介紹 phenomenon 的其他意思及衍生字:

a.    本字的複數形為 phenomena 。

•   Total solar eclipses are spectacular natural phenomena that dazzle many people.


b.    phenomenon 亦可表「造成轟動的人事物」。

•   The new mobile game became a phenomenon overnight, with millions of downloads within hours of its release.


c.    phenomenal  a. 極好的;驚人的

•   Kevin has been a phenomenal success in the world of business.


d.    phenomenally   adv. 極其,驚人地

•   This new show is phenomenally successful.


中文翻譯(& 答案)






答案:   1.    C    2.    A    3.    B    4.    D

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