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[其他] 改變人類生活的行動條碼 The Rise of the QR Code

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改變人類生活的行動條碼 The Rise of the QR Code
The Rise of the QR Code
#數位·科技·科學 #娛樂·新奇
4/8 生活英語
作者 Enjoy Editors
閱讀時間 3分鐘
聽講解 聽朗讀


改變人類生活的行動條碼 The Rise of the QR Code

目錄 / Tips in Use 重點解析 / You Can Do This 英文試金石 / 中文翻譯
追根究底 | 本集 精彩教學影片(講解老師:Shane& Bernice 老師)

What is QR code and how does it work?

    QR codes are very common these days, providing people with a convenient way to share information. These black-and-white squares are widely used in restaurants and stores, as well as on all kinds of print advertisements. The QR code is short for “Quick Response Code,” and these simple codes have become a useful tool in the smartphone era.   

   The QR code was released in 1994 by a Japanese company called Denso Wave. However, the research that went into the QR code’s development dates back to the 1960s. During that time, barcodes were becoming widespread in Japanese supermarkets. However, barcodes had some limitations. The biggest problem was that barcodes could not contain as much information as people would like. After becoming aware of the problem, Denso Wave’s development team created a new two-dimensional code that suited the needs of the public better, and this became known as the QR code.

 QR codes can be scanned from any angle and can contain much more information. They were first used in Japan’s automotive and shipping industries. With the invention of camera phones, the application of QR codes has expanded globally.

Words in Use

application [͵æpləˋkeʃən]

n. 應用;用途;申請(表格)

research [rɪˋsɝtʃ]

vt. 研究

angle [ˋæŋg!]

n. 角度;觀點

widespread [ˋwaɪd͵sprɛd]

a. 普遍的;廣泛的

limitation [͵lɪməˋteʃən]

n. 限制;缺點(可數)

era [ˋɪrə]

n. 年代,時代

scan [skæn]

vt. & n. & vi. 掃描
vt. & vi. 粗略地看

advertisement [͵ædvɚˋtaɪzmənt]

n. 廣告(可數,常縮寫成 ad [ Ad ])

release [rɪˋlis]

vt. & n. 釋出,釋放(= let go of);發行,發布

automotive [͵ɔtəˋmotɪv]

adj. 汽車的

smartphone [ `smɑrt͵fon ]
n. 智慧型手機

barcode [ˈbɑrkod]
n. (商品包裝上的)條碼

globally [ˋglobəlɪ]

adv. 全球地
Practical Phrases

be short for... 是……的縮寫 / 簡稱
“Info” is short for“ information.”


be limited to 侷限於⋯⋯
Fortunately, the damage caused by the fire was limited to the top floor.

Tips in Use 重點解析
♦ 介紹「追溯至,回溯到」的用法 
動詞 date 和 trace 可用來表「追溯,回溯」,用法如下:
1. date back to + 明確的時間∕時期等  
= be traced back to + 明確的時間∕時期等  追溯至⋯⋯(某明確的時間/時期等)
例: This vase dates back to the Ming dynasty.
例: The use of the internet can be traced back to 1983.
網際網路的使用可追溯至 1983 年。

2. date back + 一段時間  追溯至⋯⋯(一段時間)前
= be traced back + 一段時間
例: The temple that was recently found dates back thousands of years.
例: The city of Athens can be traced back 5,000 years.

You Can Do This 英文試金石
❶ The team is doing ________________________________ of dolphins.
some / into / the language / research
❷ Companies _______________________________their products and attract customers.
need / to / promote / advertisements
❸ The discount offer ________________________________ only.
to / limited / certain items / is

答案: 1. The team is doing some research into the language of dolphins.
2. Companies need advertisements to promote their products and attract customers.
3. The discount offer is limited to certain items only.


  如今,行動條碼非常普遍,提供人們一種便捷的方式來分享資訊。這些黑白方塊廣泛地被應用在餐廳和商店中以及各種平面廣告上。QR code 是 Quick Response Code 的縮寫,這些簡單的程式碼已成為智慧型手機時代的實用工具。
  行動條碼是由一家名為 Denso Wave 的日本公司於 1994 年推出。然而,投入於行動條碼開發的研究可以追溯至 1960 年代。在那段時間,條碼在日本超市變得越來越廣泛。然而,條碼有一些限制。最大的問題是條碼無法包含所有人們需要的資訊。意識到這個問題後,Denso Wave 的開發團隊創建了一種新的、更符合大眾需求的二維碼,這就是所謂的行動條碼。


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