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[其他] 「孤獨大臣」讓你不再孤軍奮戰 The Global Fight to Help the Lonely


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「孤獨大臣」讓你不再孤軍奮戰 The Global Fight to Help the Lonely
The Global Fight to Help the Lonely
#社交人際 #心理 #娛樂·新奇
3/13 生活英語
作者 Enjoy Editors
閱讀時間 4分鐘
聽講解 聽朗讀


「孤獨大臣」讓你不再孤軍奮戰 The Global Fight to Help the  Lonely

目錄 / Tips in Use 重點解析 / You Can Do This 英文試金石 / 中文翻譯
生活快遞 | 本集 精彩教學影片(講解老師:Shane & Bernice 老師)

Feeling lonely or being alone is bigger problem than we think.

  Today, many countries are facing the problem of loneliness. According to a British commission, more than nine million UK citizens feel lonely some, or even all of the time. Reports from other countries like the US and Australia suggest similar findings. Young people may experience loneliness due to the popularity of social media, while the elderly may live alone and have no one to talk to.

  Loneliness can have negative effects on people's health. A study showed that feeling lonely or being alone for a long time could reduce an individual's lifespan by 15 years. To address this problem, the UK appointed the world's first Minister for Loneliness in 2018. Since then, the UK government has proposed some strategies to improve the situation. These include holding events to raise public awareness and building new transportation lines for people who are at the highest risk of isolation.

>> 替別人加油打氣,千萬別再說 You’re tired 啦,來學「辛苦了! 」英文該怎麼說!
   Apart from the UK, Japan also has its own Minister for Loneliness. In 2021, as the suicide rate rose because of social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic, Japan appointed a Minister for Loneliness to cope with the mental health crisis. With reports of increased loneliness around the world, the need for loneliness ministers becomes ever clearer.

Words in Use

address [ ˈædrɛs / əˋdrɛs ]

n. 地址;網址;電子郵件地址;演說
vt. 探討;處理

crisis [ˋkraɪsɪs]

n. 危機

situation [͵sɪtʃʊˋeʃən]

n. 處境,情勢

commission [kəˋmɪʃən]

n. 佣金;委任
vt. 委任

appoint [əˋpɔɪnt]

n. 贊成,同意
vt. 任命

isolation [͵aɪs!ˋeʃən]

n. 孤立,隔絕

transportation [͵trænspɚˋteʃən]

n. 交通運輸(工具)(不可數)

citizen [ˋsɪtəzn]

n. 公民;市民

lifespan [ˋlaɪfˋspæn]
n. 壽命

finding [ˋfaɪndɪŋ]
n. (調查或研究)結果(常用複數)
Practical Phrases

due to + N/V-ing 因為……;由於……
= because of...
Jim was absent from work yesterday due to illness.

cope with...  處理……
This problem is hard to cope with.

have positive / negative effects on... 對⋯⋯產生正/負面影響
Violent movies have negative effects on kids.

Tips in Use 重點解析
♦ 「the + 形容詞」用法
「the + 形容詞」可用來泛指全體,表「某一類或具有某種特性的人」,視為複數名詞。
本文中的 the lonely 及 the elderly 分別等於 lonely people 及 elderly people,泛指「孤單的人」和「老年人」。其他例子如下:
the poor  = poor people 窮人
the rich = rich people 富人
the sick = sick people 病人
the homeless = homeless people  無家可歸的人
例: Elizabeth is a kind person who always helps the poor.
例: This organization is raising money to help the homeless.

You Can Do This 英文試金石
❶ Jim canceled our date ___ .
due / family emergency / some / to
❷ Smoking___ your health.
negative / has / effects / on
❸ Gina came up with a way___ .
address / problem / the / to

1. Jim canceled our date due to some family emergency.
2. Smoking has negative effects on your health.
3. Gina came up with a way to address the problem.

  孤獨會對人們的健康產生負面影響。研究顯示長時間感到孤單或獨自一人會減少一個人十五年的壽命。為了解決這個問題,英國在2018 年指派了世界首位孤獨大臣。從那時起,英國政府便提出了一些策略來改善情況。其中包括舉辦活動來提高大眾意識,以及為那些最可能面臨孤立風險的人們建造新的交通路線。
  除了英國之外,日本也有自己的孤獨大臣。2021 年,隨著自殺率因新冠肺炎疫情期間的社會隔離而攀升,日本指派了孤獨大臣來應對這場心理健康危機。隨著諸多報告指出世界各地的人們的孤獨感上升,對孤獨大臣的需求變得不言自明。


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