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[其他] 超級瑪利歐兄弟電影版 The Super Mario Bros. Movie


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超級瑪利歐兄弟電影版 The Super Mario Bros. Movie
The Super Mario Bros. Movie
#電影戲劇 #娛樂·趣味
4/3 生活英語
作者 Enjoy Editors
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超級瑪利歐兄弟電影版 The Super Mario Bros. Movie

目錄 / You Can Do This 英文試金石 / 中文翻譯

Wahoo! The world’s most famous plumber is back in an all-new film.

        This month, Nintendo fans of all ages can look forward to seeing The Super Mario Bros. Movie, which is based on the iconic video game series. Mario first appeared in the 1981 arcade game Donkey Kong. Despite being one of the most popular video game characters in history, there hasn’t been a full-length animated film about Mario since 1986.

        In 1993, there was a live-action Super Mario film, but it was unsuccessful. The film’s reception disappointed Nintendo, and the company wasn’t willing to let Mario return to the big screen. However, Shigeru Miyamoto, the creator of Mario, met the CEO of Illumination in 2015. Miyamoto felt that the studio behind the Minions movies shared his vision for Mario and agreed to let them produce a new animated film.

        Most of the plot details have been kept secret, but we know that King Bowser wants to take over the world. It’s up to our heroes, namely Mario, Luigi, and Princess Peach, to explore the magical Mushroom Kingdom to stop the King of the Koopas. The film is also a musical and includes several funny songs throughout the feature.

Words in Use

disappoint [͵dɪsəˋpɔɪnt]

vt. 使失望

despite [dɪˋspaɪt]

prep. 儘管

plot [plɑt]

n. 陰謀;(故事的)情節
vt. & vi. 圖謀

reception [rɪˋsɛpʃən]

n. 招待會,宴會;接受,回應

namely [ˋnemlɪ]

adv. 換言之,就是

plumber [ˋplʌmɚ]

n. 水管工(人)

vision [ˋvɪʒən]

n. 視力;影 / 幻像;眼光,先見,遠見,構想

iconic [aɪˋkɑnɪk]

a. 代表性的,指標性的
Practical Phrases

based on... 以……為依據
= be grounded in / on...
The movie was based on a true story.

take... over / take over... 接管/接手⋯⋯
I will take over the project if you don’t think you can handle it.

an arcade game 街機遊戲
You Can Do This 英文試金石


1.  This story is (located in / based on / satisfied with) actual events.

2.  Adam didn’t show up, which (disappointed / discovered / displayed) Eve.

3.  I will (take in / take after / take over) the project if you don’t think you can handle the job.

答案:1. based on 2. disappointed 3. take over



這個月,所有年齡層的任天堂粉絲都可以期待看到《超級瑪利歐 兄弟電影版》,它是根據具有代表性的電玩遊戲系列改編而成。瑪利歐 首次出現於1981 年的一款街機遊戲《大金剛》。雖然是史上最受歡迎 的電玩角色之一,但自 1986 年起就沒有任何一部關於瑪利歐的長篇 動畫電影。

1993 年曾有一部真人版瑪利歐電影,但它沒有成功。大家對這 部電影的反應讓任天堂感到失望,也使得該公司不願讓瑪利歐重返大 銀幕。然而,瑪利歐的創造者宮本茂,在 2015 年與照明娛樂的執行 長會面。宮本認為對於瑪利歐,小小兵背後的電影公司與他看法一 致,並同意讓他們製作一部新的動畫電影。

目前為止大部分的劇情細節都是保密的,但我們知道庫巴想要統 治世界。這取決於我們的英雄們,也就是瑪利歐、路易吉和碧姬公 主,去探索神奇的蘑菇王國以阻止庫巴國之王。這部電影同時也是一 部音樂劇,包含幾首有趣的歌曲將貫穿整部片。


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