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[其他] 溫室效應影響睡眠 Hot Nights Can Equal Trouble


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溫室效應影響睡眠 Hot Nights Can Equal Trouble
Hot Nights Can Equal Trouble
1/30 生活英語
作者 Enjoy Editors
閱讀時間 5分鐘
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溫室效應影響睡眠 Hot Nights Can Equal Trouble

目錄 / You Can Do This 英文試金石 / 中文翻譯

When it’s impossible to sleep at night because of the heat, many problems arise.

        All over the world, temperatures are going up at night due to global warming. A study found that when the temperature at night is over 30°C, the length of nightly sleep decreases by over 14 minutes. This may not seem like a lot at first, but a study reveals that a global average of 44 hours of sleep are lost for each person per year.

        When people lack sleep, their immune systems become weak. They get sick and forgetful, and there is even a higher risk of major diseases like cancer. Not enough sleep at night can also create an unsafe environment during the day. Those who drive to work or operate heavy machines may not pay attention and cause more accidents than they would if they were well rested.

        Unfortunately, women, the elderly, and poor people are most affected by rising temperatures. Women’s bodies cool quicker in the evening than men’s when going to sleep, so they feel the heat sooner. Older people generally sleep less because they have poor body temperature control, so sleeping in the heat is a real problem.In poor nations, people have less access to fans or air conditioning; therefore, they don’t have any way to lower the temperatures in their bedrooms. There are many problems caused by global warming, and not getting enough sleep is another one.

Words in Use

equal [ˋikwəl]

adj. 平等的
vt. 等於;匹敵
n. (能力、地位等)同樣 / 相當的人

arise [əˋraɪz]

vi. 產生,形成

operate [ˋɑpə͵ret]

vt. 操作
vi. 運轉;動手術

access [ˋæksɛs]

n. (對人、地、物的)接近或使用的權利或門徑(與介詞 to 並用)
vt. 使用;(電腦)存取(資料)

immune [ɪˋmjun]

a. 免疫的

decrease [dɪˋkris]

vt. & vi. 減少

risk [rɪsk]

vt. 冒……的風險
n. 風險

global [ˋglob!]

a. 全球的,全世界的

elderly [ˋɛldɚlɪ]

a. 年老的

generally [ˋdʒɛnərəlɪ]

adv. 通常,一般地

nightly [ˋnaɪtlɪ]
a. 夜間的

forgetful [fɚˋgɛtfəl]
a. 健忘的
Practical Phrases

global warming 全球暖化
Global warming is an issue which we can’t pay too much attention to.

have access to... 接觸到……;利用……
Students in this school have easy access to the lab.

elderly people 老年人(泛指所有老年人)

the elderly 老年人(泛指所有老年人)
= elderly people
We should learn to respect the elderly.

You Can Do This 英文試金石


1. 過去五十年來總年降雨量已減少大約四英寸。

Total yearly rainfall has __________ by about four inches over the last five decades.

2. 可以請你示範給我看怎麼操作這臺微波爐嗎?

Could you show me how to ___________ this microwave?

3. 大家普遍接受這所學校中的大部分孩子都絕頂聰明。

It is __________ accepted that most of the kids in this school are extremely smart.

答案:1. decreased 2. operate 3. generally



由於全球暖化,世界各地的夜間氣溫都在上升。一項研究發現, 當夜間溫度超過攝氏三十度時,夜間睡眠時間會減少超過十四分鐘。 起初這可能感覺不多,但一項研究指出全球平均每年每人失去四十四 小時的睡眠時間。

當人們缺乏睡眠時,他們的免疫系統就會變弱。他們會生病、變 得健忘,甚至有更高的風險罹患癌症等重大疾病。夜晚睡眠不足也會 造成白天環境變得不安全。開車上班或操作重型機械的人可能無法集 中注意力,並導致較原先有充分休息時更多的事故。

不幸的是,女性、老人和窮人受氣溫上升的影響最大。晚上睡覺 時,女性的身體比男性冷卻得更快,因此她們會更快地感受到熱。老 年人一般睡得較少,因為他們對體溫的調控差,所以在高溫下睡覺真 的是個問題。在貧窮國家,人們較少有機會使用風扇或空調;因此, 他們沒有辦法降低臥室的溫度。全球暖化已經造成許多問題,而睡眠 不足又是另一個。


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