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[其他] 失物招領處 Checking the Lost and Found


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失物招領處 Checking the Lost and Found

作者 Enjoy Editors


目錄 / Words & Phrases / Extra Words & Phrases / You Can Do This / 中文翻譯

Checking the Lost and Found

Julian is speaking to Ronda, a transportation official, at a train station.

J: Excuse me. Is this the office that collects lost items?

R: Yes, I’m in charge of the lost and found. How can I help you?

J: I left my bag on a bench on one of the train platforms last night.

R: Well, if someone turned it in, we should have it here.

J: I hope that’s what happened. I was on the train about 10 minutes before I realized it was missing.

R: What does it look like?

J: It’s a small, brown messenger bag with a grey strap and two silver buckles.

R: All right. Was there anything valuable inside?

J: There was a nice pair of sunglasses inside. Apart from that, there were some important work documents in there.

R: Give me a second.

(Ronda goes to search a storeroom behind her desk.)

R: Is this the bag you lost?

J: Yes! That’s it. I’m so glad it wasn’t stolen.

R: Take a look and see if everything is inside.

J: Oh, no. It looks like the sunglasses are gone. Oh, well. At least my work papers are still here.

R: Sorry to hear that. Before you go, you need to fill out this form and sign it.

    J: No problem. Thanks for your help.

Words & Phrases
        1.     official [ əˋfɪʃəl ] n. 職員;公務員
That official was fired and is under investigation for bribery.
                * bribery [ˋbraɪbərɪ] n. 賄賂行為(不可數)

        2.     be in charge of...  負責……
The manager is in charge of most of the administrative work in the office.
                * administrative [ ədˋmɪnə͵stretɪv ] a. 行政的;管理的

        3.     turn... in / turn in...  呈交∕繳交……

David made an excuse when he didn’t turn in his homework.

★     4.     valuable [ˋvæljʊəb! ] a. 貴重的;珍貴的
The ring Lisa got from her mother was valuable to her.

        5.     document [ˋdɑkjəmənt] n. 文件
These confidential documents must be kept in a safer place.
                * confidential [ ͵kɑnfəˋdɛnʃəl ] a. 機密的

        6.     take a look  看一看
Pete got someone to take a look at his piano because it was out of tune.

        7.     at least  至少
Completing this task will require at least three workdays.

        8.     fill out...  填寫……(文件、表格等)
        =      fill in...
Please fill out this form before handing in your application.

Extra Words & Phrases
►    lost and found  失物招領處
►    a messenger bag  郵差包
►    strap [ stræp ] n. 背帶
►    buckle [ˋbʌk! ] n. 扣環
►    storeroom [ˋstor͵rʊm ] n. 貯藏室

You Can Do This

1.     我們應在航班起飛前至少三個小時抵達機場。
        We should arrive at the airport __________ three hours before the flight.

2.     該祕書為會議準備了所有文件。
        The secretary prepared all the __________ for the meeting.

3.     泰德將在下個月擔任政府官員。
        Ted is going to be a government _________ next month.

答案:  1. at least 2. documents 3. official

Checking the Lost and Found  失物招領處
朱利安: 不好意思。這裡是收集遺失物的辦公室嗎?
朗 達: 是的,我是失物招領處的負責人。有什麼需要幫忙的嗎?
朱利安: 我昨晚把我的包包遺留在其中一個火車月臺的長椅上。
朗 達: 嗯,如果有人拿過來,這裡應該會有。
朱利安: 希望如此。我在火車上大約十分鐘後才意識到它不見了。
朗 達: 它長什麼模樣?
朱利安: 它是一個小巧的咖啡色郵差包,配有灰色背帶和兩個銀色扣環。
朗 達: 好的。裡面有什麼貴重的東西嗎?
朱利安: 裡面有一副漂亮的太陽眼鏡。除此之外,還有一些重要的工作文件。
朗 達: 等我一下喔。


朗 達: 這個是你遺失的包包嗎?
朱利安: 是的!是這個沒錯。真高興它沒有被偷走。
朗 達: 看一看是不是所有東西都在裡面。
朱利安: 噢,不。看來太陽眼鏡不見了。喔,好吧。至少我的工作文件還在。
朗 達: 很遺憾聽到這個消息。在你走之前,你需要填寫這個表格並簽名。
朱利安: 沒問題。謝謝妳的幫忙。

Words in Use

turn [tɝn]

vt. & vi. (使)轉動/向;(使)變成
n. 順次,輪到的機會

official [əˋfɪʃəl]

adj. 官方的,正式的
n. (高層)官員;主管

valuable [ˋvæljʊəb!]

adj. 值錢的,貴重的;有價值的,有用的

document [ˋdɑkjəmənt]

n. (書面或電腦)文件
vt. 記錄

strap [stræp]

n. 帶子
vt. 捆住,綁上

buckle [ˋbʌk!]
n. 扣環

storeroom [ˋstor͵rʊm]
n. 貯藏室
Practical Phrases

at least 至少
At least five hundred people showed up for the rally.

至少有 500 人出席該集會。

fill out / in sth 填寫(表格)
Fill out the form, and then give it back to me.

be in charge of... 負責⋯⋯
The manager is in charge of most of the administrative work in the office.

take a look 看一看
Pete got someone to take a look at his piano because it was out of tune.

lost and found 失物招領處

a messenger bag 郵差包

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