01.為彼此歌唱 senasenai a mapuljat∣Singing for Each Other
02.多美麗啊 a na bulay∣So Amazingly Beautiful
03.順著河流走 semusu ta pana∣Tracing the River of Life
04.慢慢的 galju∣Take It Slow
05.一杯酒的孤單 ∣A Lonely Glass of Wine
06.悲傷彩布 na semaqetju a situngan∣Lament of Colored Cloth
07.蝸牛村 qinaljan na luli∣Village of Snails
08.親愛的月亮 ∣Dear Moon
09.誰的臉黑黑的 tima za qucengecengel a mudingan∣Dark Complexion
10.我的想念對你 u singelitan tjanusun∣My Longing for You 【下載網址】 【Openload 點我下載】